Where has all the time gone? I can’t tell you how full my heart is today. I’m celebrating my 20th work anniversary with Lufthansa as a flight attendant and I couldn’t be more proud of myself!
Read moreWhere has all the time gone? I can’t tell you how full my heart is today. I’m celebrating my 20th work anniversary with Lufthansa as a flight attendant and I couldn’t be more proud of myself!
Read moreI didn’t plan to write a blog post about my embroidered crew tags, but I received so many questions that I decided to share the location with you even if I don’t have any images(except for one iPhone photo) from … Continue reading “Embroidered Crew Tags | Seoul”
Read moreHello my friends! Here is a new update about what’s happening right now in my crew life. As some of you might have read in my latest post, I’m flying part time since the first of March.
Read moreI’m so glad my standby line(read about it here) is over and I can get back to my regular roster for February. Where am I headed next and how do I get on certain flights?
Read moreEN: Some of you might have seen my standby struggle on snapchat, where I was glued to my cell phone for 3 days. But let’s get the term of being ‘on standby’ first. What does it actually mean? I’ve found … Continue reading “Standby and a last minute flight | Crewlife”
Read moreI’m up in the air again although I’ve told you that I’m through with my duty flights this year. What happened? Well I’m sitting as a passenger in business class on my way to LA. I’m flying deadhead. So what … Continue reading “Flying Deadhead | Crew Life”
Read moreHello my loves! Let’s talk about a topic, that makes us smile. Going on vacation! As a flight attendant I’m steadily on the go, traveling the world for free. I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for any … Continue reading “Where Flight Attendants go on Vacation | Travel Tips”
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