Hotel Review Santorini | Tsitouras Collection

theclassycloud-hotel-greece-santorini (3 von 20)

theclassycloud-hotel-greece-santorini (12 von 20)

Blue and white makes us dream in every way. These two colors have been dominating our closets(at least mine) and we wanna pack our bags and leave to this one particular place, where the only colors you can see is blue and white. Folks, give me an S for S A N T O R I N I !

I’ve spent a couple of days in Santorini last year in September and fell in love again with this wonderful place. If you haven’t been there it’s hard to explain the magical feeling you get from Santorini. Endless views of white houses with blue domes, a sunset to die for, small hidden alleys and the blue ocean in front of you, just to name a few out of millions things I love. Everything is so picturesque and amazingly beautiful that you have to stop at every corner and breathe in the beauty of this island.
When I travel I look for small and unique places to stay as I usually spend my crew layovers in big hotel chains. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really grateful for the amazing hotels we are staying at, but when I’m on vacation, private and exclusive is what I prefer and it doesn’t always have to cost a fortune.
I stayed at the Tsitouras Collection, which has only 5 guest rooms to offer and a private villa closer to the ocean. I’m still swooning over this boutique hotel and it was one of my best holidays I’ve had so far.
So let me introduce this Santorini gem to you.

Well, it seems like George, the owner, knew me well. He offered me to stay in the House of Portraits, which is the largest out of 5 houses. The rooms at Tsitouras Collection all have different names with a separate wifi connection for each house, which is a huge plus. As you can see, the walls are painted in pink and gives the room a nice and warm atmosphere. George’s father is a huge collector of antiques and you can see his love for details in every room. It was a pleasure to listen to the stories George told me about the hotel while showing me the property. The marble bathroom is top-notch clean with all amenities you can ask for. The bed is very comfortable and it’s a splendid feeling to fall into white crisp linen after a day full of adventures. The house of portraits is perfect for families with kids, as there is another bedroom upstairs, but not suitable for couples. In this case, I can highly recommend the private villa with pool for more privacy.
I loved to have a cup of tea at the little terrace or up in the welcome area, where you have a fantastic view over Santorini. The best place to start the morning.

Oh, we all love infinity pools, right? But nothing can beat an infinity pool with this stunning view! Endless blue as far as your eyes go. Since there is only five houses in this hotel, the pool is never crowded and you will always get a nice place to catch some rays. It is definitely one of my highlights during this stay, which makes Tsitouras Collection so special. The hotel is located in a small quiet alley and the pool instantly catches your eye when you peek through the door(well, there is a rope which replaces the door). Privacy is granted in every way, so sit back and relax.

There is no need to leave the hotel, when you have the most attentive staff at (happy!) cocktail hour. No struggles for the best place, no feet in my face or annoying tourists with selfie sticks around me. I’ve sit by the pool with an almost 360 degree view over Santorini and life couldn’t be better in this moment. Please do not disturb. :) I’ve enjoyed a super fresh greek salad(the veggies so crunchy it hurts) and a special cocktail mixed by the bartender. You can absolutely tell your preferences and he will mix it to your order. Love it! Never felt more like a VIP. Do yourself a favor and stay at least one evening in the hotel for a breathtaking sunset.

Favorite time of the day! And yes, I choose hotels by breakfast. It is a very strong criteria I always have in my mind as I’m a huge morning aka breakfast person. I mean, look at this spread! Did I mention that almost everything is personalized with the hotel logo? Towels, pillow cases, napkins as you can see in the photos. Breakfast is served to your order anywhere you want. I had to listen twice because it really means at any time and anywhere. It can be served in front of your ‘house'(each house has a small porch with round tables), in your room or by the pool. Staff is very discreet and attentive, so place your order and wait for true breakfast heaven served unter the blue blue sky of Santorini. There is a basic setting(which is already so much by the way!) and you can choose on top some other options like eggs and pancakes. But seriously, there is nothing they can’t serve. I’ve ordered breakfast by the pool the day before and they set up the table so I could enjoy the majestic view. Needless to say that I it totally took my breath away. I don’t know if it was the breakfast or the view. I guess both. This was truly breakfast for champions and I’m still drooling over the photos. It was the perfect mix of sweet and salty. The fresh fruit and veggies, eggs and sweet pastries, my foodie heart was full. It is one of those moments, where you have to pinch yourself to make sure it’s not a dream. And yes, this breakfast was the best EVER!

Tsitouras Collecition is located in the heart of Firostefani, close to Imerovigli and the capital Fira with charming restaurants and boutiques along the stunning coastal path. Everything is close by so take your time and explore the little streets and alleys of this beautiful island. You mostly walk with the view to the ocean so you can’t get lost.
If you want a very private and quiet place with exclusive service where you can relax, I would highly recommend Tsitouras Collection. It’s Santorini at its best. Check out the private villa if you are more than four people. I loved to watch the staff in the morning, carrying the breakfast trays to the villa. It’s just a stone-throw away from the main building and you have the villa and pool all by yourself. Close friends of mine stayed there and loved it.


Wer träumt nicht von weißen Häusern mit türkisblauen Kuppeln und endlosem Blick über’s Meer?
Ich komme schon ins Schwärmen, denn es geht um meine Lieblingsinsel Santorini! Ich war bereits das zweite Mal auf der Insel und habe ein paar sehr schöne relaxte Tage auf der Insel verbracht.
Als Flugbegleiterin übernachte ich oft in großen Hotelketten, so dass ich im Urlaub gerne in etwas kleineren privaten Hotels meine Auszeit geniesse. Tsitouras Collection ist da ein absolutes Traumhotel, dass keine Wünsche offen lässt. Die Anlage mit Infinity Pool besteht aus nur 5 kleinen Häusern, die jeweils ihren eigenen Wifi Zugang haben. Das ist ein großes Plus. Die Zimmer und Marmor Bäder sind sehr sauber und geräumig mit viel Liebe zum Detail.
Ich kann den Sundowner beim Pool und das tolle Frühstück absolut empfehlen. Das beste Frühstück, was ich je hatte! Der Ausblick ist mit nichts in der Welt zu vergleichen. Einfach nur traumhaft!
Die Mitarbeiter sind immer sehr hilfsbereit und diskret, so dass man den Urlaub in vollen Zügen wunschlos genossen kann. Tsitouras Collection liegt in Firostefani und man kann zu Fuß sehr leicht die Umgebung erkunden und die nächsten Orte Imerovigli und Fira mit ihren charmanten Restaurants und Boutiquen besuchen. Gerne erinnere ich mich an diesen Urlaub zurück und würde jederzeit an diesen Ort zurückkehren um die herzliche exklusive Gastfreundschaft zu geniessen.

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A very special thanks goes out to George&Eleni for their great hospitality and the staff for an unforgettable memorable stay. This place is full of magic and love and I can’t wait to be back soon.

* ICW Tsitouras Collection

Don’t forget to heck out DAILY DETAILS and my BOUTIQUE for amazing sale finds.


  1. just a question, did cocktail hour charged to your room or was it complimentary?

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